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+4,355,117 Creative DesignPikbest Support
+282,884 Presentations
+210,864 Video&Audio
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+6264since last week

Including: Templates Photo PNG Images Illustration Backgrounds Decors& 3D Models




+111since last week

Including: Music Video


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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What’s the difference between Enterprise Plan and Personal Premium Plan?

A: Enterprise Plan and Personal Premium Plan differs in user entity, using scenarios, exposure limit and teamwork service, etc.

Q: If I am not satisfied with the service, can I get a refund?

A: You can get a full refund only if the following conditions are met: 1.Pay within 15 days and haven't downloaded any resources.  2.Never applying successfully for the invoice.

Q: Can I use the content on social media platforms (YouTube, Facebook, etc.)?

A: You can use the content on social media platforms as long as you stick to the rules of Pikbest License Agreement.

Q: What are the benefits of a Premium Member?

A: As a premium member, you can get access to all categories of artworks on our website and use the content without attribution to the author.


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